2025 Capital Awards Program Professional Entry

This program is open to communications practitioners, strategists, managers, corporate, government, and nonprofit communicators, agency executives, photographers, graphic artists, creative conceptualists and tacticians in Northern Alberta.

Work submitted is to have been planned and largely executed in the last calendar year. There is no limit to the number of winners in each category. Entrants must have had direct and primary involvement in the submission.

Each entry is judged on a 7-point scale and is judged twice (the final score is averaged between the two).

In the event of a discrepancy of more than 3 points between the two judgings, a third judging will be completed and the final score will be an average between all three.

Award of Merit: Entries with a score between 5.0 and 5.24

Award of Excellence: Entries with a score of 5.25 and above

For those submitting multiple entries, each entry must be submitted individually.

Once your entry is submitted, it cannot be edited or altered. Please ensure all your information is accurate and that you upload the appropriate files, as required.

Professional Entry Information
Characters left: 40

Please ensure the photo uploaded is relevant and appropriate for the purpose of your and/or team recognition.

Contact Information
I work for this organization
I am an independent supplier
Uploads (PDF files only, max 2GB)


Please e-mail capitalawards@iabcedmonton.com referencing the IABC Edmonton Capital Awards.

Technical assistance? Please e-mail +Republic referencing the IABC Edmonton Capital Awards.